The Best Yoga Poses For Runners



Whether you are an avid runner or have recently got back into it, here are some easy yoga poses that can help to stretch out those muscles and keep stiffness at bay.


The Seated Forward Bend

This is a nice and easy yoga pose that really helps to loosen any tight spots and improve flexibility over time. If you run regularly, you may find that you experience tight hamstrings and this stretch is perfect for targeting this area and gives a deep and intense stretch. Like any pose, don’t feel deflated if you can barely touch your ankles. Start in a seated position and slowly fold the top half of your body over your legs and aim to secure your hands at your ankles. Remember to breathe and flex your feet.

The Spinal Twist

Running is an impact sport and as a result, this can mean that you are prone to lower back tension from time to time. The spinal twist pose is a superb stretch for the back and shoulders. Begin lying flat on your back and raise one knee in towards the chest. Take that knee over to the floor keeping your arms stretched out to your sides.

Low Lunge Pose

If you suffer from tight hip flexors, this pose is a great one to try and it also stretches out the glutes, a key area that is worked when running. Lower one of your knees to the mat and put your weight on the front bent knee until you feel the stretch in your hips and groin.

Downward Facing Dog

If you suffer from tight hip flexors, this pose is a great one to try and it also stretches out the glutes, a key area that is worked when running. Lower one of your knees to the mat and put your weight on the front bent knee until you feel the stretch in your hips and groin

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