Yoga Stops Traffik


Yoga Stops Traffick is an annual global event to bring together yoga practitioners across the world in raising awareness and funds for survivors of human trafficking. 

Yoga Stops Traffik support a local grassroots organisation called Odanadi Seva Trust in Mysore, South India, the birthplace of modern yoga. All profits raised from the Yoga Stops Traffick campaign go to support Odanadi’s brothel-rescue operations and the two safe houses and rehabilitation centres they run for survivors of trafficking. Every year they raise tens of thousands of pounds which has helped rescue and rehabilitate thousands of women and children. You can read more about Odanadi here:


2020 marks Yoga Stops Traffick’s 10th anniversary! The date is now set for March 15th 2020 and we are proud to be sponsoring them. 


So, what is Human Trafficking?

Human trafficking involves recruitment, harbouring or transporting people into a situation of exploitation through the use of violence, deception or coercion and forced to work against their will.

In other words, trafficking is a process of enslaving people, coercing them into a situation with no way out, and exploiting them.

Human Trafficking Numbers:

  • 51% of identified victims of trafficking are women, 28% children and 21% men
  • 72% people exploited in the sex industry are women
  • 63% of identified traffickers were men and 37% women
  • 43% of victims are trafficked domestically within national borders


India is one of the fastest growing regions for human trafficking in the world. An estimated 135,000 children are believed to be trafficked in India alone every year. 


How can you help?

Hold your own Yoga Stops Traffik event on 15th March!

Yoga Teachers - If you are a yoga teacher you can really help by leading a series of sun salutations on your yoga shala, or by holding a donation-based class.

Individuals - You can take part by joining an existing event or getting a group of people together to start your own. To host your own event, get together with a group of friends and organise an event at your home, local community centre, beach, park, or anywhere else you can think of.

If you are unable to create your own event or take part in one you can always donate here


Thank you!