Self Care Sunday

Self Care Sundays are oh so needed and oh so underutilised.
We spend the entire week dragging ourselves from meeting to office to class to obligation. Then we spend our weekends fulfilling other check-marks.. This birthday dinner, that errand.. Other things that add to a never ending to do list.
Sundays should be rejuvenating, empowering giving us the boost we need for a new week!
So let’s talk all about how you can start your own Self-care Sunday routine.
1. Go Outside
Grab your coat and head outside! Go for a nice walk around your local park or beach. Giving yourself time to just be in the moment is hugely relaxing and the fresh air is great after a week in the office. You can easily do this by yourself or with loved ones.
2. Netflix and Chill
Sometimes just curling up on the sofa with a new series to binge is the perfect recipe for a Sunday! Giving you time to rest and clear your mind of any stresses you may have.
3. Take care of small tasks
Doing small tasks such as washing/ironing, food prep, cleaning etc is a great way to give yourself some extra time during the week.
4. Head to the gym
If you're feeling courageous why not head to the gym or go for a run, we often find exercise is a great way to clear our mind and put's us in a more positive mindset.
5. Slow down
Wake up slowly. Don’t rush out the door trying to head to the Farmer’s Market before it closes that you have no time to even drink a cup of tea.Wake up slowly, luxuriously, patiently. Give your body and senses the time to arise.Though our bodies are up, it takes our minds a little time to catch up. Instead, gently stretch your body on the floor with some deep-twists and hip-openers and make yourself a nice hot cup of ginger tea to awaken your digestive fire.