Five Minute Mindfulness


A quiet mind is a happy mind. When we let go of our thoughts, concerns, stresses and never ending to do lists we can find more stillness and space. When we do that we can get closer to our natural way of being happy. 


This is an incredibly stressful period for many of us, worries about job security or not seeing our loved ones can leave us feeling very anxious and worried. One of the easiest ways to get a sense of space and stillness is through mindfulness and meditation. Even if only for five minutes a day.


Start by finding a comfortable seated position or lie down if it’s more comfortable for you. Take a moment to tune into your breathing, noticing every inhale and exhale. Notice the length of each breath, notice the depth and how it feels moving in and out of your body .


Once you’ve started to slow the mind give it something to focus on, this may already make you feel calmer. This is also a fab tip if you are ever feeling overwhelmed. 


Start to scan the body, start at your right foot. Releasing tension from every muscle within that foot. Notice how it feels, does it feel tight or open? Think about sending your breathe into that space. Continue this process with every part of the body all the way up to the skin on your head. As you release tension the entire body can rid itself of any pain and discomfort, while at the same time your mind gets space and a focus to keep it on track. This will in turn limit thought and bring a sense of contentment and ease. 


If you would like to add a little extra to your body scan meditation, take a minute or two to write down three things you are grateful today. 

Thank you!